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American Tacos recipe inspired by Never Have I Ever

Have you ever tasted an authentic Mexican taco? Then you know that there is no need to reinvent it. But here is American–I mean the United States, we are a melting pot–a blend of different cultures from all over the world. I find it one of the more exciting features of the country. We take already delicious food and modify it to the taste of the majority and/or to the produce available. One example of this is the American taco.


It feels weird to say that the taco came to the United States from Mexico at some point in history because a large portion of the United States used to be Mexico. Long ago, the native tribes of Mexico ate an open-faced corn tortilla sandwich. There–I said it! Tacos are sandwiches–fight me (but please don’t). They are centuries old food that has outlasted probably even vampires–who knows. The official taco comes from the silver miners though–it was a meal for the working class. It’s still a meal for the working class.

In 1905, when the Mexican railroad workers migrated to the United Stated, the immigrants eventually started to incorporate American ingredients (beef, chicken, cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato)–because you have to work with what you have available. The hard shell didn’t arrive until the 1940s when inventions made mass producing easier. Taco Bell eventually took the idea and here we are–Americans voting Taco Bell as THE restaurant with the BEST Mexican food. Yep.

Never Have I Ever

In one of the episode of Never Have I Ever you can see Devi and her family sit down to eat some delicious American tacos (see photo above). They also served it with a side of salad and some very sour lemonade. After seeing this scene, I was inspired to make some too.

Honestly, before attempting this recipe I haven’t had a ‘homemade’ American taco in ages–probably since I last lived with my mom (more than 10 years ago). It had never crossed my mind to make one–I don’t even know why). One of the best things about American Cuisine is that a lot of meals are quick and easy. This is one of them. Purchasing ingredients was so easy. Did you know that they make taco kits?–which include shells, seasoning, and hot sauce. I bought one that had nacho cheese shells…I just needed to add meat and veggies… I need to cook American more often.


American Taco Reipe

Cuisine American


  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • 1 lb ground beef
  • 1 small onion diced
  • 1 garlic clove minced
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2/3 cup water
  • 1 taco kit with taco shells, taco seasoning, and hot sauce
  • Toppings: shredded cheese lettuce, chopped tomatoes, avocado


  • 1. Heat oil in a pan over medium heat. Add onion, cook until soften.
  • 2. Add beef, 1 teaspoon salt, and garlic. Cook until brown; stir occasionally and break up the meat, for about 5 minutes.
  • 3. Add the water and seasoning package (from the kit) to the pan. Bring to a simmer and cook uncovered until thickened, 2-3 minutes.
  • 4. Heat up the shells according to package or eat as it.
  • 5. Assemble the tacos: Get the shell, add a bit of meat, top with cheese, lettuce, tomato, and avocado.

It was fun cooking something that was quick and easy. I enjoy being in the kitchen, so I don’t mind if I have to spend all day there. My husband–who’s Mexican–prefers his homeland’s style. I like both. The kids preferred the American tacos over the Mexican ones.

What are you favorite tacos?

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