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2020 Year in Review

Time for the 2020 review! What should have been an inspiring and great year on the blog turned into a desertion. In one of my impulsive tempest, I had almost got rid it altogether. I ended up losing some articles and then had to replace them again. The amount of dedication I administered here on the blog was minimum. I told myself last year, I would do better. Yet, I only did worst. At a crossroads, I had to make a decision. Should I go or should I stay? I spent time reflecting (something I should do regularly) and contemplating the outcomes. What is my why? Why do I have my blog? I write in this blog to share a voice about what I learn and discover while watching a television program or reading a book. So 1. Sorry for my absence. I will do better. 2. Please stay with me for the ride. I am dedicated to do my best.

Without further ado, let’s take a peek inside and review this year in at Metta Cultura. Sadly this year, I had written only 12 articles (including this one). Which is down from the 26 in 2019 and I thought that year was bad. Yikes! I have a lot of posts sitting in drafts, so if you see posts magically appear. I backdate them to the time of my idea’s creation.

Despite abandonment, my blog has had it’s best year yet. Last year I had 21,000 views from 14,000 visitors. But this year, I had 24,000 views from 18,000 visitors. Thank you for those who stopped by and I’m grateful for my returning readers!

Here are the most read articles of 2020:

10. Oh My Ghost (2015) Drama Review

Last Year, Oh My Ghost was at the number 8 spot. It has dropped down to the number 10 spot. This drama is about a shy (and possibly depressed) woman who gains confidence after she becomes possessed by a ghost. Here are some other supernatural or fantasy dramas I’ve written about.

9. You’re My Destiny (2017) Drama Review

This is a new article on the top 10 list. At first, I couldn’t understand why this was becoming so popular. I then realized that both Japan and China had released their versions of this drama. The original Taiwanese drama is one of my favorites. I have seen that one, the Korean one, and this Thai one. I ended up watching the Japanese one, but it was lacking. And I haven’t yet watched the Chinese one–which I should do soon.

8. Good Morning Call Manga Review

This manga is new to the top 10 list as well. Good morning call was the drama that started this blog. You’re My Destiny (Taiwanese) is the drama that made me fall in love with dramas and Good Morning Call drama is the one that inspired this blog. This manga became popular this year. Here are some other mangas I’ve written about.

7. I am Not a Robot (2017-2018) Drama Review

This is another new article and is also one of my favorite Korean dramas. This drama is about a man who has a phobia of people, but needed interaction so he tests out a “robot,” but he doesn’t know that she’s really a human and through this he heals. Here are some other dramas I’ve enjoyed:

6. Good Morning Kiss Manga Review

Good Morning Kiss is in the same spot it was in last year. It has been pretty consistent since I published it.

5. Poem: A White Rose

I am always surprised at how this one makes the list. I imagine that there are people who are searching for poems online and they ended up here.

4. Drama Travel Spots: Good Morning Call

This drama has been at the number 2 spot for the past 2 years. It has finally moved down into the number for spot. It is still popular and on this list. Here are some other travel spots I’ve written about:

3. Drama Inspired Recipe: Coffee Prince’s Korean Style Street Waffles

This is the only recipe that has made the top 10 list and it hasn’t been on the list before. I have cooked several things. Here are some other recipes I’ve made:

2. Poem: The Physics of Love

Another poem on the list. It has moved down from the number five spot to the number two spot. It’s a beautiful poem and my readers know it.

1. Drama Travel Spots: Boys Over Flowers

And for the second year in a row, the Boys over Flowers travel post has made it to the number one spot. It’s such a popular post and I’m glad that I am writing what others want to read.

The 2020 review has been a surprising one. There is a lot of variety in the top posts this year. It seems like the reviews are the most popular, so I will do my best to continue to fulfill the desire. For the coming year, I hope to stop my nonstop consuming and spend more time creating. I will write more which will be easy since I’ve only written 12 post this year. I as always will try to write more. I’m also curious to explore video as well.

Which article was your favorite?

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