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Drama Inspired Date: Min Kyu and “Aji 3”

The drama I am Not a Robot was a surprising good drama. This “date” from this drama was not really a date. It was unintentional, but turned out to be one. Min Kyu just realized that maybe he could be around other humans and so they tested out his theory by going to a very populated place. They go to an open market with many outdoor vendors and shops. They walk around to enjoy the scenes and each other’s company.

Looking at Merchandise

One of the first things to do while at an outdoor market is to look at all the cool merchandise that the vendors are selling. This particular scene they are looking at embroidered hats and they try them on and take an obligatory selfie.


Ice cream

Despite never seeing it beyond this scene. Aji 3 purchases an ice cream cake at Baskins-Robbins. I’m not sure what happens to it, but I’m sure Min Kyu eats it all by himself.


Min Kyu braved the touch of man and was able to get a temporary tattoo. I am actually not familiar with this method I only know the kids’ type of temporary tattoos. You could always get a real tattoo instead of temporary. Or you could purchase one (even design one) in advance from this company. Or like I’d probably do, just get one of my kid’s.

Street Performance

A street performance is something that would be nearly impossible to find where I live. Occasionally you will see a person here or there, but they are definitely not regular enough to be able to find. Actually I wouldn’t know I don’t get out enough. Instead you could always go to a local band’s performance. In my city, we have First Fridays where musical artists around the city perform at different venues. You can stop at different locations all through the night to hear the performances.

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